[EN] Among pasta, carrotts, rice, beans, little onion bulbs, and all kinds of green leaves, a customer could choose… grapes. [RO] Între paste, morcovi, orez, fasole, mici căpăţâni de ceapă şi tot felul de frunze verzi, un client putea opta pentru… struguri.
[EN] To mix with usual meat dishes, not as a dessert!!! I found this at least as weird as the red onion marmelade… [RO] Să-i amestece cu feluri obişnuite de carne, nu ca desert!!! Mi s-a părut o chestie la fel de ciudată ca marmelada de ceapă roşie…
[EN] But I didn’t have the guts to try grapes with meat or potatoes :-( [RO] Dar n-am avut curajul să încerc struguri cu carne sau cartofi :-(
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hm, n-am incercat nici eu asa ceva. ma gandesc, ca e posibil totusi sa nu fie chiar infioratoare atat vreme cat cineva manaca totusi.
adica puteai manca struguri cu carne prajita, de ex?
pana acum, dar pe aici la noi, n-am combinat strugurii decat in salata de fructe sau am mancat cu paine sau cu nuci verzi, proaspat decojite.
hm...chiar ma intreb ce gust o fi avand acea combinatie...daca am sa incerc vreodata am sa-ti spun :-))
totusi marmeleda de ceapa...parca nu...
@ C.L.
totul tine de 'obisnuita culturala' si, pana la urma, in acelasi stomac se duc toate.
struguri cu branzeturi se servesc curent in Franta si, dupa modelul de acolo, chiar si in Romania.
ba mai mult, am vazut la noi strugurasi pusi pe scobitoare alaturi de bucatele de carne :-(
dar nici asa nu i-am gustat, nici sa-i mananc drept 'salata' in UK nu m-am incumetat...
in schimb, cum se vede pe blog, am cutezat sa gust acea 'red onion marmelade' :-)
I found the little onion bulbs to be delicious. You can also buy them from the supermarket.
@ Mihai
Do you mean that what I pictures here were not grapes, but some kind of onion bulbs?!?!
If this is true, then I am so stupid :-( But I'm sure those were grapes... weren't they?
I think they were grapes because very often I came across them in various 'fancy environments' all over the place (in Britain and Romania as well).
There are grapes with all kinds cheeses, but also with salami, and all sort of meaty stuff.
Oh no Bogdan, I didn't mean to say that what is showing in the picture are little onion bulbs.
It's just that you mentioned the little onion bulbs in the article ( "Among pasta, carrots, rice, beans, little onion bulbs, and all kinds of green leaves, a customer could choose…") and I remembered how tasty were those pickled onions I bought from the Tesco supermarket (I see you wrote about it in another article).
@ Mihai
I see... it was just a little misuderstanding :-)
...and a little piece of evidence concerning the 'limits' of online communication.
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