[EN] It tastes both as onion, and something sweet (red onion has its share of sweetness, doesn’t it?) – however, it just doesn’t seem to fit in the food preferences of someone from Romania, where we simly don’t have onion for desert… uh… nor marmalade as appetizer. [RO] Are gust deopotrivă de ceapă şi ceva dulce (ceapa roşie are partea ei de dulceaţă, nu-i aşa?) – totuşi, nu pare să se potrivească preferinţelor culinare ale cuiva din România, unde pur şi simplu nu mâncăm ceapă la desert... câh... nici marmeladă ca aperitiv.
[EN] What amazed me is that this speciality could be found in a rather regular canteen, from the point of view of the menu, and also weird :-) from other perspectives – the Café in the Crypt that I wrote about here. [RO] Ceea ce m-a uimit pe mine a fost că această specialitate se poate găsi într-o cantină mai degrabă obişnuită, din punctul de vedere al meniului, dar şi ciudată :-) din alte perspective – Café in the Crypt despre care am scris aici.
[EN] The lady at the counter even allowed me just to taste a bit, although I warned her that I probably won’t buy a gram of this marmelade. [RO] Doamna de la tejghea m-a lăsat chiar să gust un pic, deşi o avertizasem că probabil nu voi cumpăra niciun gram din această marmeladă.
[EN] As I said, it wasn’t completely distasteful – it’s just something that fussy I (?!) couldn’t eat, therefore I wouldn’t recommend anyone else trying it – but well, the world is full of reckless people who shouldn’t feel somehow bound by my piece of advice… [RO] Cum am spus, n-a fost complet dezgustătoare – doar ceva ce mofturosul de mine (?!) n-am putut să mănânc, astfel că nu recomand nimănui – dar, mă rog, lumea este plină de oameni nesăbuiţi, care n-ar trebui să se simtă cumva legaţi de sfatul meu...
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Whoa, asta-i chiarextrem.
Eu am mancat supa de ceapa in Franta si mi s-a parut chiar buna, desi initial fusesem cam reticent.
Onion soup is relatively good, I've got no problem with it. However, the 'British version' that I tasted may be a bit far from the original French version.
On the other hand, this red onion marmalade was not extremely distasteful (after three days of hunger it's probably quite good :) but it's simply unimaginable to have it with any dish in Romania - not as a desert (spread with or without butter on a slice of bread), neither as an appetizer as the Brits have it (probably the French also), with foie gras or smoked salmon.
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