[EN] It’s a very beautiful place in England (and well known around the world) where I haven’t been to (yet?!).
[RO] Este un loc foarte frumos în Anglia (şi bine cunoscut în lume) unde nu am fost (până acum?!).
[EN] However, I invite anyone landing on this page to take a short virtual trip there…
[RO] Totuşi, invit pe oricine aterizează pe pagina aceasta să facă o scurtă călătorie virtuală acolo…
[EN] …thanks to these pictures (taken in the summer of 2011) by my reader C.L.
[RO] …graţie acestor fotografii (făcute în vara lui 2011) de cititioarea mea C.L.
[EN] A little city surounded by intellingent (high tech) businesses, of no more than 110,000 inhabitants.
[RO] Un orăşel înconjurat de întreprinderi inteligente (high tech), cu nu mai mult de 110, 000 de locuitori.
[EN] Of whom a fifth are students from all over the world, learning about almost everything, from medical sciences to theology.
[RO] Dintre care o cincime sunt studenţi din întreaga lume, învăţând despre aproape orice, de la ştiinţe medicale la teologie.
[EN] A place with an aristocratic fragrance (pics 1, 20) of times of yore; I don’t know if the locals also have aristocratic airs :-)
[RO] Un loc cu o mireasmă aristocratică (pozele 1, 20) din vremuri de demult; nu ştiu dacă şi localnici au ifose aristocratice :-)
[EN] With colourful gardens (5), bustling little streets (4, 14, 16), fairs (3), typically British houses (9, 10, 18), even some homeless people (8) many bikes (14, 20), and… boats (2, 17).
[RO] Cu grădini colorate (5), străduţe pline de viaţă (4, 14, 16), târguri (3), case tipic britanice (9, 10, 18), chiar şi oameni fără adăpost (8), multe biciclete (14, 20) şi… bărci (2, 17).
[EN] An elitist environment where only the brightest enter, (allegedly) to get out even smarter, prone to ‘success’.
[RO] Un mediu elitist unde doar cei mai străluciţi intră, (chipurile) pentru a ieşi şi mai deştepţi, înclinaţi către ‘succes’.
[EN] If only intellectual achievements guaranteed for kindness of heart, instead of barren individualism, and if they were premises for a happy and meaningful life!
[RO] Măcar de ar garanta realizările intelectuale bunătatea inimii, în loc de un invidualism steril şi de ar fi premise ale unei vieţi fericite şi pline de rost!
[EN] The pictures in this 27th episode were taken in… – Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.
[RO] Fotografiile din acest al 27-lea episod au fost făcute în… – Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.
Very nice pictures !
Lovely pics, indeed!
Am I not posting only great images on this blog or what?! :-)
Anyway, my task was just to make a selection, while all the credit for the images belongs to my reader C.L.
Indeed Bogdan, you really have a keen eye for great images !
I hope I will get to visit Cambridge on my next trip to the UK. I've also heard there are many high-tech startups in Cambridge. Given the fact that they've got the best CS school in Europe, it doesn't surprise me.
It may not be rivaling with Silicon Valley, but still, it's probably the closest thing to Silicon Valley that Europe has.
Sensibil, inteligent,...in cautarea a ceea ce este frumos. Felicitari si mii de multumiri! Adriana
recomand tuturor sa viziteze Cambridge-ul: cu gradini superbe, parcuri, cu nenumaratele colegii pe care le poti vizita in anumite zile (open-day), un loc cu oamenii de toate culturile, dar unde n-am vazut nici aere aristocratice si nici galagie sau violenta, unde poti face si punting,iar bicicleta nu-ti dispare chiar daca n-o asiguri, etc. Un loc unde este mult respect, zambet si bun simt (de altfel nu doar acolo ci in multe locuri in uk)si pentru care ar trebui sa-ti rezervi mai mult ca sa-l vizitezi.
@ Mihai
It's natural that good computer schools should attract competitive businesses - this is what happened in California.
Without the network of University of California (Berkeley, Davis, UCSF etc) and Stanford University, a Silicon Valley would not have been possible.
The area around Cambridge is known as 'Silicon Fen' because of the many software, electronics, biotechnology etc businesses concentrated there:
From this perspective, a visit there could be of professional (not only tourist) interest for you, couldn't it?
You may even get a job there, so that I could have someone to visit in Cambridge! :-)
@ Adriana Jugaru
Mulţumesc pentru vizita făcută pe blog şi mă bucur că şi ţie ţi-au plăcut imaginile, asemenea altor cititori!
Eu bănuiesc că or fi mai mulţi decât cei care au comentat :-)
@ C.L.
Foarte interesantă precizarea că nu ai văzut "aere aristocratice" şi că ai găsit oraşul ca fiind unul foarte sigur.
Îţi mulţumesc pentru contribuţia la MunteanUK, iar postarea de faţă este grăitoare pentru importanţa sprijinului tău!
indeed, it was the mentioned universities that made Silicon Valley possible.
I didn't knew about 'Silicon Fen', but as I said, it doesn't surprise me.
I have a friend who did an internship in the Silicon Valley the past summer, and he was impressed by the environment over there. So it would be of professional interest to see both Silicon Valley and its European equivalent, the Silicon Fen.
I wouldn't know what to say about a job in Cambridge, but if that ever happens you can come visit me any time. But you also have to promise you'll return the favor if you're the first to get a job in UK (even if it's not Cambridge) :-).
@ Mihai
Alright, I agree with your proposal - whoever gets a job in the UK first (why not also anywhere else, in Europe at least?!) invites the other for a trip to that (presumably) lovely place!
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