The only true motivation for this post is to share with my readers this picture which gives the impression that the white limousine (speeding through the
City of London) is even a bit longer than in reality. Click on the picture to see a bigger version! ...and please realize that having caught this image is just a photoholic’s luck, by no means any ‘
professional skill’ of mine.
It’s an interesting optical illusion, isn’t it? Maybe people on the street look like mere illusions, made up of disposable ‘
decorative objects’ (figures, numbers, consumers) to the
banking fat cats watching beyond the dark windows…

Also, I can’t avoid noticing that this optical little illusion could illustrate the huge hoax this ‘
mighty financial centre of the world’ is. This ‘
engine of the British economy’ is nothing but a giant with feet of clay, as
bad news prove it everyday. Sooner or later this monstruous system based on greed and selfishness was due to start disintegrating.
I’m afraid the current
global economic crisis is not just a simple recession (albeit a most serious one), but the
unaccidental beginning of the end for the world as we (imagined to) know it…
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
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Lumea nu s-a terminat, cel putin nu inca, dar e mai aproape de sfarsit decat ieri :)
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