[EN] It rarely happens that anything man-made truly impresses me, however, I always loved…
big bridges.
[RO] Rar se întâmplă ca orice făcut de om mă impresionează cu adevărat, totuşi, întotdeauna mi-au plăcut...
podurile mari.
[EN] When I used to watch TV, I liked watching stuff about ‘
extreme engineering’ on
Discovery Channel.
[RO] Când obişnuiam să mă uit la TV, îmi plăcea să mă uit la chestii despre ‘
inginerie extremă’ pe
Discovery Channel.
[EN] Then, in the past three years, God gave me the chance of seeing with my own yes such bridges, like
the old and
newer one over the Tejo (Lisbon), those in
New York City…
[RO] Apoi, în ultimii trei ani, Dumnezeu mi-a dat şansa de a vedea cu ochii mai astfel de poduri, precum
cel vechi şi
cel mai nou peste râul Tejo (Lisabona), cele din
New York City…
[EN] …or – my number one favourite! –
the curved bridge between San Diego and Coronado island.
[RO] …sau – favoritul meu numărul unu! –
podul curbat dintre San Diego şi insula Coronado.
[EN] Such an ‘
egineering marvel’ of Scotland is the
Forth Railway Bridge (NW of Edinburgh) which unites West Lothian with
Fife over the river Forth.
[RO] O astfel de ‘
minune inginerească’ a Scoţiei este
Forth Railway Bridge (NV de Edinburgh), care uneşte West Lothian cu
Fife peste râul Forth.
[EN] Opened in 1890, not before 55,000 tonnes of steel+ 18,000 sqm of granite were put into it this project, and it cost… 98 dead workers killed + 450 injured! [
RO] Deschis în 1890, nu încainte ca 55,000 tone de oţel + 18,000 mp de granit să fie băgaţi în acest proiect şi a costat… 98 de muncitori morţi + 450 răniţi!
[EN] My pictures aren’t too great, but
click here for a really superb image or
click here for many of pics of the rail bridge (and the newer
Forth Road Bridge on its left).
[RO] Fotografiile mele nu-s prea grozave, dar
click aici pentru o imagine chiar superbă sau
click aici pentru multe poze cu acest pod feroviar (şi mai noul
Forth Road Bridge din stânga sa).
[EN] The pictures in this ninth episode were taken in…
[RO] Fotografiile din acest al nouălea episod au fost făcute în... –
South Queensferry,
West Lothian, Scotland.
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
Hello, Bogdan..si mie imi plac podurile..well, n-am avut sansa sa vad in realitate unele faimoase, precum cele descrise de tine...
ma aflu in Slatina pentru cateva luni si ma bucur ca pot admira din camera mea podul care trece peste Olt :-)
Talk happiness; talk faith: talk health. Say you are well, and all is well with you, and God will hear your words and make them true...
@ Gabi
Not all bridges must necessarily be 'famous', so that they become 'likeable'. Anyway, I couldn't help noticing that, eventually, most beautiful bridges of this world become famous :-)
Don't worry about not having been given the 'chance' to see bridges like those I'm referring to, as we can never tell what the Lord has in store for us.
Maybe He'll show you even more interesting things than bridges :-) Any day He grants us is a blessing, isn't it?
Moreover, let me remind you that I only flew with an airplane one month before turning 25, and most of my 'fabulous journeys' occured between the age of 26 and 28.
There are two places where I wished very much to go (Australia + Japan), and I haven't been there so far, in spite of my 'wishful thinking'. On the contrary, the Lord took me to many places of which I hadn't ever thought...
Everything is in the hands of our Lord; He ceaselessly prepares good surprises for us, and let us always remember that even what we perceive as 'bad surprises' are actually useful for our salvation!
God bless you!
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