Moreover, little photostories were the main purpose of the current series, as I am not particularly fond of techical aspects of motor vehicles. I just want to share some images you can’t regularily find on British city streets anymore, since these ‘classical’ double-decker buses are no longer being produced.
The original double decker (AEC Routemaster) remains a symbol of London, after decades of service (1956-2005). Beyond looking good – like steam locomotives looked good, didn’t they? – of course that there are various aspects worth considering whether these buses were really among the best solutions for public transport in the world or not.
For diecast metal or plastic scale models (hopefully some of them not ‘made in China’ but in the UK), for magnets, postcards etc – I recommend patiently investigating through souvenir shops in London. At first glance, a tourist could feel overwhelmed with the ‘same things’, but nice surprises (higher quality little toys) are alwyas possible.
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
ia uite ce chestie! eu tocmai ma pregatesc sa scriu despre ceva din Londra si la "tema zilei" vorbeste Lord Mayor of City of London (Nick Anstee): despre investitile lor la noi, ale noastre la ei (specificand acum ca e vorba de cea intelectuala!!!!!), despre constructia unei scoli si a unei puscarii la noi, etc.
dar sa revenim la topic:nu e vorba doar de double decker, dar si de vechile taxiuri, cutiile postale si cabinele telefonice.
auzisem cu ceva ani in urma ca vroiau sa scoata defintiv din circulatie aceste superfaine autobuze, precum si cabinele telefonice.
din fericire inca n-au facut-o. cel putin n-au facut-o complet. sunt fan al acestor 4 simboluri ale Londrei.
da, evident ca am si magneti de frigider si niste minuscule suveniruri cu ele. am spus deja ca-mi plac foarte, foarte mult.
din pacate cu autobuzul aceste n-am calatorit, nici cu varianta modernizata, dar am fost cu taxiul. e bun si atat!
@ C.L.
nu inteleg nici eu de unde setea asta nebuna a unor 'destepti' din UK de a renunta la farmecul anumitor simboluri.
cum automobilele pt firme de taxi (produse de compania Manganese Bronze) au ramas la fel de decenii, oare n-ar fi putut ramane neschimbate si autobuzele?
dat fiind succesul telefoniei mobile, evident ca niste cabine telefonice par desuete, dar tot s-ar mai putea pastra - de pilda, ca 'adapost' de bancomate, automate de reincarcat cartele telefonice...
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