[EN] I don’t know about my scarce readers, but I really love
this mostly photographic series, as it offers me the change to remember places and dear people (athough they don’t appear in these pictures :-) from the UK.
[RO] Nu ştiu despre puţinii mei cititori, dar mie chiar îmi place
acest serial mai mult fotografic, căci îmi oferă şansa să îmi amintesc locuri şi oameni dragi (chiar dacă nu apar în aceste poze :-) din UK.

[EN] Then, this series gives me the chance to express my gratitude to God for the wonders He showed to me. How could I thank Him, if I didn’t share with the world these images?
[RO] Apoi, acest serial îmi dă şansa să-mi exprim gratitudinea faţă de Dumnezeu pentru minunăţiile pe care mi le-a arătat. Cum I-aş putea mulţumi, dacă n-aş împărtăşi lumii aceste imagini?

[EN] That’s the least I can do, following the example of other bloggers who are by no means as lazy as I am at posting pictures from wonderful places they’ve been to.
[RO] Acesta este cel mai mic lucru pe care l-aş putea face, urmând exemplul altor bloggeri care nu-s deloc aşa de leneşi ca mine la a posta imagini din locurile minunate prin care au fost.

[EN] Apart from the episodes so far – if the Lord helps me maintain this blog – I’d have at least a dozen more wonders from the UK to show. For now, the pictures which I hope you will like...
[RO] În afara episoadelor de până acum – dacă e voia Domnului să menţin acest blog – am cel puţin o duzină alte minunăţii din UK de arătat. Pentru acum, imaginile despre care sper că vă plac...

[EN] …show the highest peak in the British Isles –
Ben Nevis. Its 1,344 meters are not that impressive, but I consider the ambience of the place, and the spectacular (
Typically Scottish :-) clouds worth sharing to others.
[RO] ...arată cel mai înalt vârf din Insulele britanice –
Ben Nevis. Cei 1,344 metri ai si nu sunt atât de impresionanţi, dar consider că ambianţa locului şi norii spectaculoşi (
tipic scoţieni :-) merită împărtăşiţi altora.

[EN] The pictures in this seventh episode were taken across…
[RO] Fotografiile din acest al şaptelea episod au fost făcute de-a lungul… –
Glen Nevis, Scotland.
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
Christ is Risen!
Nice photos Bogdan; I have just put some up on my own blog:
It is correct about the clouds. They make everything appear three dimensional, and have an odd presence.
Indeed, He is Risen!
Thank you, dear Gregor, but any words of 'praise' shouldn't be addressed to a mere 'photoholic' like me, but to the Lord!
He has blessed Scotland with magnificent scenery, as it can be seen on this current post, and also...
1. on the previous episode of this 'photographic' series:
2. on the blog of my 'successor' Chevening Fellow who fell in love with Scotland as well:
3. on your own blog, which proves that you're as much of a photoholic :-) as I am:
I thought I should gather these links here in case anyone ever clicking here would like to understand why I may sometimes seem so 'mad about Scotland' :-)
super pozele. astept cu interes cat mai multe. pe langa pozele ce am si eu, "merg prin si vad" din nou acele locuri.
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