Once, I was already late for a meeting in the City of London, when, halfway between Brighton and London’s Victoria Station, the voice of the train operator broke the silence.
Passengers took their eyes from what they were reading or from the window and heard the following message:
People shrugged their shoulders, very few began to murmur something, while most of them indifferently returned to what they had been previously doing.
Less than 30 seconds later, the warning was heard again. This time most people had an anxious look on their faces, clearly waiting for something to happen next.
The train engineer got out of his cabin and rushed through the aisle of the cars, as if something really terrible had stopped the train.
He would come back 2-3 minutes later, sharing to us the news that he identified the toilet cabin where a cigarette had been lit. “But no sign of the offender”, he sighed.
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
1 comment:
Numele meu este Ana Zidarescu, redactor www.evz.ro, editia online a ziarului Evenimentul Zilei. Caut romani stabiliti in strainatate pentru interviuri, in ideea de a promova diaspora romaneasca, tinerii romani şi experientele lor in lume, antreprenori, profesori, liber profesionisti etc. Daca esti de acord, nu ezita sa ma contactezi. Nu sunt in cautarea senzationalului, insa cred ca in spatele fiecarei povesti se poate ascunde ceva extrem de interesant pentru cititori. Fiecare are o poveste unica de relatat, pana la urma. Adresa mea de e-mail este ana.zidarescu@evz.ro
Pe 15 martie vom relansa site-ul, in care se afla si categoria Diaspora, dedicata romanilor din strainatate.
Asa ca daca te intereseaza sa-ti promovezi blogul, gratuit, ma poti contacta la adresa ana.zidarescu@evz.ro.
Categoria Diaspora va fi relansata odata cu site-ul si va oferi, ca si pana acum, interviuri, stiri, articole si reportaje cu si despre romanii din lume.
Cred ca poate fi o oportunitate de promovare extrem de facila a site-ului tau si te va ajuta mult in cresterea notorietatii, avand in vedere ca avem peste un milion de cititori unici in fiecare luna. Astept un e-mail de la tine, indiferent de raspuns. Pe curand!
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