Tuesday, 28 October 2008

UK’s motor vanity fair (7) [Bâlciul deşertăciunilor cu motor din UK]

If anyone thought that hiring a limousine for one’s wedding was an ‘un-British habit’ (as I presumed)… here’s the photographed proof that this assumption is wrong. I don’t know how popular this silly habit is throughout the UK, but I ran across it a couple of times in Scotland.

Honestly, I don’t see anything ‘romantic’ in this habit, and I don’t know what’s the ‘fun’ in hiring such a car for a wedding, apart from adding a pointless expense on the overall bill of the event. Nevertheless, who said that the Scots are ‘economical’ with their money?!

[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]


Anonymous said...

The pink one is really ugly!

People forget what's more important in a Wedding. It is easier to take care about cloths, menu, flowers, party etc than to realize the Mistery that happens and the responsibility you have that day and the days after...

Maybe it is, also, a way to show the others your joy and happiness, but for me it's a way to make unuseful and quite destructive expenses.

MunteanUK said...

Only the Lord knows how many wise daugthers of His (like you seem to be :) are left in the world!

Unfortunately, there are countless women (and not only in the UK!) who imagine that 'spending more' (for having fun and showing-off) equals 'more happiness' - which is so silly...

Blessed are those who, like you, know that true happiness only has to do with living according to His will!

Anonymous said...

am vazut si eu, in Londra, pe langa National Gallery, un Rolls Royce alb, "gatit" de nunta, in care erau doar mirele, mireasa si soferul si care mergeau incet astfel incat sa poata fi vazuti, in acest timp mireasa salutand "imperial" trecatorii. nu era un sir lung de masini, ca la noi, ci inca vreo 2-3 in afara de Rolls, dar desi totul arata ca si cum ar fi fost niste oameni cu stare, pareau cumva teatrali, tristi poate (desi mireasa dorea sa demonstreze fericire).
din pacate, asa cum s-a observat deja, si la noi este obiceiul cu inchiriatul limuzinei, cat mai mare daca s-ar putea si cu claxonul cat mai tare.
ma gandesc, ca totusi era frumos cu ani (multi) in urma cand mirele si mireasa mergeau la biserica imbracati in costume nationale, cand pretuiau cu adevarat taina cununiei (a incoronarii, cum frumos se numea mai demult) si era cu adevarat o taina.
continui sa cred ca 10-15 nuntasi (cu tot cu miri si nasi) sunt mai mult decat suficienti la o nunta)