[EN] This time, I picked up a beautiful picture that I took in London to illustrate a day of joy to many of us, but not to those unborn, who were forbbiden the joy that the Lord has meant for them. [RO] De data aceasta, am ales o frumoasă fotografie pe care am făcut-o la Londra pentru a ilustra o zi de bucurie pentru mulţi dintre noi, dar nu şi pentru cei nenăscuţi, cărora le-a fost interzisă bucuria pe care Domnul le-a menit-o.
[EN] These readings are unpleasant, like anything that shames our egoism and indifference. [RO] Aceste lecturi sunt neplăcute, cum este orice care ne face de ruşine egoismul şi indiferenţa.
[EN] I don’t intend to shock anyone (in this televisual world that has made so many of us shock-proof), only to make my readers think about this ignored mass murder. [RO] Nu vreau să şochez pe nimeni (din această lume televizuală care ne-a lăsat pe mulţi dintre noi ne-şocabili), doar să-mi fac cititorii să se gândească la această ucidere în masă ignorată.
[EN] It’s not global warming that suffocates the planet, it’s the blood of the unborn human beings!!! I know that many rational hysterics, concerned with global warming will laugh of the irrational me, but I am taking this risk. [RO] Nu este încălzirea globală cea care sufocă planeta, ci sângele fiinţelor umane nenăscute!!! Ştiu că mulţi isterici raţionali, îngrijoraţi de încălzirea globală vor râde de iraţionalul de mine, dar îmi asum acest risc.
[RO] The God I believe in, the only MEANINGFUL Something in this Universe, is Someone Whom they consider an irrational myth… I hold on to my myth, let them look for salvation in their science! [RO] Dumnezeul în Care cred, singurul Ceva PLIN DE ROST în acest Univers, este Cineva pe Care ei Îl consideră un mit iraţional... Eu mă ţin de mitul meu, ei să-şi caute mântuirea în ştiinţa lor!
[EN] Oh, and what has the UK got to do with it? Well, this wonderful country is one of the most pro-abortionist/pro-murder (‘pro-choice’, they call themselves) in the world. [RO] O, şi ce are de-a face UK cu treaba asta? Ei bine, această minunată ţară este una dintre cele mai pro-avort/pro-ucidere (‘pro-alegere’ îşi zic ei) din lume.
[EN] Instead of caring about the wombs turned into slaughterhouses (and maybe that’s why so many godless people are being born in the UK – what could we expect of someone born where at least one, if not a dozen of his siblings, had been murdered, through surgical abortion or contraception?), many Brits ‘care’ about saving the planet. [RO] În loc să le pese de pântecele tranformate în abatoare (şi poate de aceea se nasc atât de mulţi oameni fără niciun dumnezeu în UK – ce să ne aşteptăm de la cineva născut acolo unde cel puţin unul, dacă nu chiar o duzină de frăţiori de-ai săi, fuseseră ucişi, prin avort chirugical sau contracepţie?), multor britanici ‘le pasă’ de salvarea planetei.
[EN] “I sleep with whomever I want, my goal in life is ‘to have fun’, I am a ethical humanist, I don’t believe any ‘religious crap’, I criticize anyone about anything, I do everything ‘my way’, and, of course, I care about saving the planet” – well, this is the attitude of today's civilised European (not only British) that cannot bring anything good for mankind! [RO] “Mă culc cu cine vreau eu, scopul meu în viaţă ‘să mă distrez’, sunt un umanist etic, nu cred nicio ‘porcărie religioasă’, critic pe oricine în legătură cu orice, fac totul ‘în felul meu’ şi, desigur, îmi pasă de salvarea planetei” – ei bine, aceasta este atitudinea omului europeanului civilizat (nu doar britanic) care nu poate aduce nimic bun umanităţii!
[EN] The pro-life lobby has just lost a battle in the UK, but may the Lord help all those who lead this battle anywhere across the earth, be them religious or irreligious, Orthodox or heterodox, former abortionist doctors or innocent girls apalled by what other women can do to their offspring – everyone involved in this deserves a humble prayer from our part! [RO] Lobby-ul pro-life tocmai a pierdut o bătălie în UK, dar fie ca Domnul să-i ajute pe toţi cei care poartă această bătălie oriunde de-a lungul pământului, fie ei religioşi sau nereligioşi, ortodocşi sau heterodocşi, foşti doctori aborţionişti sau fete nevinovate îngrozite de ceea ce pot face alte femei cu rodul pântecelor lor – toţi cei implicaţi în această bătălie merită o rugăciune umilă din parte noastră!
[EN] Because there is always this very least thing (but surely so huge for our Lord!) that anyone can do… [RO] Pentru că există întotdeauna acest foarte puţin lucru (dar sigur aşa imens pentru Domnul!) pe care oricine îl poate face…
[EN] The proposed readings / [RO] Lecturile propuse:
1) [RO] Jurnalul unui copil nenăscut (pentru oricine ‘s-ar plictisi’ de lucruri grave perecum cele de mai jos, dar poate întâmplător a ajuns la postarea mea, să citească măcar cele 389 de cuvinte ale acestei mici povestioare) – aici.
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2) [EN] Life begins at conception; see how, unknowingly, even stubborn abortionists confess this – here.
3) [RO] Viaţa începe în momentul concepţiei – aici şi aici.
3) [RO] Viaţa începe în momentul concepţiei – aici şi aici.
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4) [EN] Abortion’s devastating effects on women’s health – here.
5) [RO] Efectele devastatoare ale avortului asupra sănătăţii femeii – aici şi aici.
5) [RO] Efectele devastatoare ale avortului asupra sănătăţii femeii – aici şi aici.
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6) [EN] A mother gives birth to a healthy child in spite of all the advice that he is severely handicapped, and the the pregnancy should be ‘terminated’. To everyone’s surprise – he’s a normal baby, and the woman is not even a ‘religious fanatic’; she just listened to her God-given instincts – here.
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7) [RO] Mitul ştiinţific al diagnosticării prenatale – aici.
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9) [RO] În fine, o analiză extraordinară a ateismului (secularismului) din Europa, indiscutabil cauză şi a avorturilor – aici; averismentele unor duhovnici că desfrâul şi avorturile atrag urgia asupra lumii – aici şi aici; plus un biciuitor cuvânt pastoral al Mitropolitului Ardealului despre cum societatea de azi a împărţit copii în doriţi şi nedoriţi – aici.
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/ Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
[For all the episodes of this series, and all the posts on this blog go to/ Pentru toate episoadele din această serie şi toate postările de pe acest blog mergi la: Contents/Cuprins]
Ma infior de atitudinea europeanului civilizat... Sa ne tina Dumnezeu sa nu ajungem la o astfel de "civilizatie", desi cred ca suntem deja pe drum.
Ma bucur mult de marturiile tale, sa stii!
Domnul fie laudat ca, desi iti impartasesc temerea - ca si Romania merge inspre acel standard de 'civilizatie' (ba chiar l-am si depasit in unele privinte! :( - simt ca El nu ne va lasa singuri, asa cum ne-a promis.
suntem tot mai putini, dar poate tot mai tari in ceea ce credem, in schimb, bietii de ei, cei majoritari azi - care relativizeaza totul, imbolditi de mila (?!) 'pentru bietele femei care fac avorturi ilegale' - sunt, de fapt, infinit mai singuri, nestiind de unde vin si spre ce merg, de ce se zbat pe lumea asta, de ce sufera, de ce ori nici nu cauta un rost, ori cauta doar 'surogate'.
cu pasi repezi, ne apropiem de vremurile de care ne-au prevenit Sf Parinti, ca lumea va fi asa de nebuna, inca de vor vedea pe vreunul care nu-i nebun vor sari asupra lui sa-l acuze de nebunie.
dar sa nu ne temem! Hristos va fi cu noi pana la sfarsitul lumii, si ne primeste asa nedesavarsiti cum suntem, slabi in credinta, goi de fapte bune, contaminati si noi de 'duhul lumii', mai abatandu-ne din drumul drept... dar esential este sa-L vrem in viata noastra, sa-L lasam sa ne iubeasca.
dorindu-L din saraca inima noastra, chiar si cand faptele noastre ne arata vrednici de iad (sa nu ne deznadajduim de asta!), sa credem ca, odata ce te straduiesti sa faci voia Lui, atunci toate bunele si mai putin bunele din viata ta au un rost!
Dearest Bogdan
I hope that you are well my friend. Like yourself, I see abortion as a great evil, but I also see global warming as a hazard. The Ecumenical Patriarch has himself spoken about the need for environmental protection.
I think that the Orthodox concern for the environment should be a bridge to help others understand that we have a universal message. Maybe then they would start to listen to us when we say challenging things.
Best wishes
dear Gregor,
I am not saying that we should scrap environmental concerns altogether and stay with our hands in our pockets, while the planet is obviously suffering.
what I mean is that, since Adam's fall, God's Creation is suffering along with mankind, although the faults are ours. unless we change our hearts, unless we embetter ourselves (which can be done only with the Lord's help) and fight our own inequities, we won't be able to fight global warming.
nature may be 'amoral', but it's enduring the effects of our own sins, which are the same as ever: pride, greed, selfishness... we must first fight them, and only afterwards fight amorphous and invisible enemies like global warming. actually, there wouldn't be any need for 'fighting global warming' as the moment we 'cured ourselves', the whole Creation around us will be cured by the Lord!
let's leave it to the Lord what only lies in His power! we can only convince Him through prayer, not trying to do things instead of Him!
it seems rather hypocritical to me (and I don't condemn the hypocrites themselves, but this sinful attitude!) to say that you care for 'saving' the planet, which is such a 'general' goal, so hard to 'grasp'. it will take us at least as long as it took us to harm the environment to feel any positive changes that we can bring to it.
in the meantime, any little change that we ask to the Lord for our soul ('please cure me of that sin, help me obey your commandments!'), could have an immediately visible effect in our lives, even though 'immediate' may at times mean years.
how could anyone really care about this wonderful God-given Earth, as long as they do not care about the consequences of their sexual relations, and when they kill babies? I'm not blaming anyone from promiscuity, as we are all weak, and anyone could fall in the same sins that he is judging. far be it from me! but many men and women have changed their lives for the better when the Lord sent them a child, even if they lived in 'illegitimate' relationships. no matter how sinful his parents may be, a child cannot be 'illegitimate' - the Lord sends this little creature into the world, so that anyone who loves him or her could redeem their sins by all the hardship it takes to raise a child.
I am blaming our indifference to this mass murder, which in my view is a sin against the Holy Spirit - how else could we look at killing an unborn child, denying him or her the quality of being a human being, of being God-given? of course, even such an awful sin can be cleansed through Confession and genuine repentance, but I'm afraid so many people who cold-bloodedly kill their offspring will never admit that the Lord exists, and He is willing to forgive.
there is no 'unforgivable sin', but these type of sin (when one doesn't admit that an embryo is a human being) is worse than saying to the Lord 'You do not exist' or crying any blasphemies towards Him. our Chrurch teaches that suicide is unforgivable, and only allows a proper funeral with a priest to those who were mentally ill when they took their lives. I dare saying that, next to suicide, killing an unborn child is the worst sin, but still reedemable through repentance.
generally, I'm kind of fed-up with the secular message towards 'saving' the planet. among the leftists of France (and I once read even about British women with similar attitudes!), the refusal of birth is seen as a way of saving the planet from 'overpopulation' (another satanic myth - we will only be 'many enough' when the Lord wants it, not when we imagine it!), and the 'enviornmental cost' of rising a child! what a hypocrisy!!! the cost of producing, distributing and buying various useless modern goods, the cost of all the 'entertainment' industry or the cost of wars - surpass the 'cost' of raising a child!!!
also, what about this biofuels craze?! let's think a bit: what would the Lord want us to do? to 'save the atmosphere' from CO2 emissions (such a high goal which is entirely up to Him!), at the cost of makind already scarce food surces even more inaccessible to those in need or to make food affordable for the poor?
I'm not saying that there are no serious problems happening to the evironment, but I am rather skeptical that these problems are exactly as these scientists (the gods of the day, who replaced the idols of ancient Rome) describe them. I come from a former Communist country, with 45 years of intensive brainwashing ('there is no God, religion is just to keep you poor and chained to your miserable lives' and this kind of crap), when the propaganda used these 'high goals' - making the world better and prosperous for everyone, in order to justify their murderous policies.
and then, here came the wonderful experience in your country, where I learned a lot of good things, but Big Brother failed in one aspect - to convincce me that global warming is really the number one problem of today's world! I'm really skeptical about it, when this idea is taken for granted like atheism was imposed during Communism, when the minority voices in the scientific community (who have doubts that global warming is 'man-made') are discredited, when everything is turned into a big bussiness (the so called carbon market)...
it's like the huge lobby of the pharmaceutical industry inventing newer and newer diseases, more and more dreadful, only to sell vaccines, hopefully earning contracts of billions, when those vaccines are made compulsory by state authorities, who buy millions of doses from tax payers' money. or like the 'avian flu', possibly another sheer lie... do you ever think that humanity, with its 'wisdom' (which produced two world wars, atomic bombs, gas chambers, the gulags, and more and more refined means of abortion) could ever prevend a massive influeza epidemic like that of 1917-1919 if the Lord decides, in His infinite wisdom, that such an affliction would be well-deserved for humanity? and I am sure He wouldn't use it as a 'punishment' but as a means of bringing closer to Him and granting salvation to those who want it!
however, I completely agree with your idea that we should act as a 'bridge', that is sharing the concerns of our contemporaries, without meaning that we are using the same means or invoking the same 'wise ideas' for solving the common problems.
thank you very much for your comment - may the Lord be with you always!
am citit undeva ca aceasta "incalzire globala" se...manifesta periodic. a fost si acum vreo mie de ani si tot asa. acum insa altele sunt ...interesele. pana la ideea ca respirand expiram CO2, deci incalzim planeta, deci suntem prea multi............. si noi si vacile si tot asa...
@ C.L.
The fifth episode of this series, although dedicated to another big hoax ('swine flu'), has a lot of references and links to this Global Warming hysteria.
Then, in the sixth episode, I'm also giving links about the myth of overpopulation.
I'm looking forward to reading your opinions added to what I wrote in those posts!
well, I wrote my opinions about these 2 topics (5th and 6th episode), even if my answer was cut into 4 pieces because of its lenght.
I would have many things to say, but ...some other time.
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