Friday, 29 June 2012

[EN] No comment / [RO] Fără comentarii (34) – St. Peter and St. Paul / Sf. Petru şi Sf. Pavel

[EN] I’ll refrain from making any reference to the politically incorrect term ‘heresy’ – let us just look at the images! [RO] Mă voi abţine să fac vreo referire la termenul incorect politic erezie’ – doar să privim aceste imagini!

[EN] For Roman Catholics (little town of Cascais, Portugal), the Apostles look like fierce heroes from ancient Greece. [RO] Pentru romano-catolici (orăşelul Cascais, Portugalia), Apostolii arată ca nişte eroi fioroşi din Grecia antică.

[EN] In the Orthodox outlook (Cocoş Monastery, TL county), they are humble people (maybe hungry and recently beaten). [RO] În perspectiva ortodoxă (Mănăstirea Cocoş, jud. TL), ei sunt oameni umili (poate flămânzi şi recent bătuţi).

[EN] Needless to say which images speak better to our hearts about these saints… [RO] Inutil a spune care imagini vorbesc mai bine inimilor noastre despre aceşti sfinţi…

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Thursday, 28 June 2012

Din raidurile mele prin inima Scoţiei (26) [From my forays into Scotland's heartland]

Nu mi s-au părut prea grăbiţi scoţienii. Ba chiar, în Scottish Highlands pot fi domoli, ca peste tot în zonele mai înalte.

Deşi există şi la Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness (ori Aberdeen, unde n-am ajuns), precum în City of London, destui corporatişti pentru care timpul înseamnă (doar) bani

Poate, tocmai pentru că destui scoţieni nu se omoară cu graba şi lasă pe poimâine ceea ce s-ar fi cuvenit să facă alaltăieri, au născocit acest proverb:

Ceeea ce poate fi făcut oricând nu va fi făcut niciodată” – aşa facem fiecare dintre noi când ne uităm la ceas*** şi ne pare că avem timp.

Şi tot aşa aş zice că stau lucrurile şi cu independenţa Scoţiei, o posibilă, dar improbabilă nouă bătaie de cap pentru UE

*** NOTĂ: Turnul cu ceas din imagine face parte din clădirea hotelului de cinci stele The Balmoral (fost North British Hotel) din Edinburgh.

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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

God’s place in a humanist society (23) [Locul lui Dumnezeu într-o societate umanistă]

Not only that they are fewer, but British practicing Christians are more and more pressured to hide their faith, in order to go on enjoying the privilege of living in a democratic, progressive and prosperous country like the UK.

Wearing a cross at work, even exhibiting one in an electrician’s van have become unofficial offences that irreligious zealots are eager to punish.

More and more – of the already few! – Christians in Britain are at risk of being put in front of a stark choice: “Take off your cross or you’ll get sacked!”.

Supervisers, bosses, co-workers or any other politically correct authorities have no scruples about threatening Christians like this, whilst no one would dare asking a Muslim woman to remove her veil, a Jew to take off his kippah or a Sikh to renounce his turban.

Indeed, that would be outrageous in a country like Great Britain, wouldn’t it? But shouldn’t the same laws the same right for Christians?

It seems that the answer is definitely negative, according to the Conservative (?!) Chameleon in office at 10 Downing Street.

For the UK Government, wearing a cross is not a “generally recognised Christian practice,” thus it needn’t be supported by the State in front of the ECHR. In a country where any wacky minority can ask for protection, Christians are defenceless…

Then why is the British monarh still called Defender of the Faith? Why is the Union Jack still bearing not one but three crosses?

And what kind of faith is that which the Monarch defends? The faith that Christianity is a relic of history whose demise should be hastened?!

There’s no doubt that being a Christian has become a deficiency for one’s employability in the UK. Unless you’re a New man, you can hardly integrate in a society obsessed with material wealth and with loathing its Christian heritage.

Just like in the USSR, when politically correct bolsheviks in Britain can’t snatch crosses from people’s hearts by brainwashing, they forcibly take them off chests.

They are probably relying on the fact that those of churches will fall by themselves. If not, one day they will take the cross down even from St. Paul’s Cathedral in the City of London

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Monday, 25 June 2012

[EN] No comment / [RO] Fără comentarii (33) – Tasteless fruits / Fructe fără gust

[EN] As perfectly rounded as wax fruits, but often tasting like moist cardboard. [RO] La fel de perfect rotunjite precum fructele de ceară, dar adesea având gust de carton umed.

[EN] Strawberries, kiwis and grapes... all with the same imprecise taste. [RO] Căpşuni, kiwi şi struguri... toate cu acelaşi gust imprecis.

[EN] Appealing colours, absent flavours, disappointing tastes. [RO] Culori atrăgătoare, arome absente, gusturi dezamăgitoare.

[EN] The same industrial fruits in London, as in Washington DC, Paris or Istanbul... [RO] Aceleaşi fructe industriale la Londra, precum în Washington DC , Paris sau Istanbul...

[EN] (A pleasant exception – the fruits I ate in Portugal’s capital, Lisbon.) [RO] (O plăcută excepţie – fructele pe care le-am mâncat în capitala Portugaliei, Lisabona.)

[EN] No wonder that today’s children don’t like fruits. [RO] Nu-i de mirare că nu le plac fructele copiilor de azi.

[EN] They are more likely to see cloned mamouths in their lifetime than the good fruits of yore. [RO] Mai probabil vor vedea mamuţi clonaţi în timpul vieţii lor decât fructele bune de odinioară.

[EN] Not knowing what they are missing, they may be happy to live in these progressive times. [RO] Neştiind ce pired, or fi fericiţi că trăiesc în aceste vremuri progresiste.

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Friday, 22 June 2012

Chestii d-astea, numai la britanici (35) [Things like these, only at the Brits]

Cică hrănirea porumbeilor nu este permisă”, avertiza un sobru panou din Kensington Gardens (Londra), unul dintre cele opt parcuri administrate de Royal Parks.

Ba mai şi avertiza că vandalizarea panoului este un delict...

Dar porumbeii nu arătau deloc flămânzi, iar copii (sau părinţi) sancţionaţi pentru încălcarea interdicţiei nu am văzut.

Nu că n-or fi fost, căci ori este posibil în Statul dădacă.

Royal Parks merită toată lauda pentru îngrijirea parcurilor, dar interacţiunea copil-porumbel parcă este o ultimă fărâmă de firesc în lumea noastră artificială.

Şi sunt tot mai puţini copiii ce lasă jocurile video pentru parcuri...

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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Chains for a former Prime Minister of Romania [Lanţuri pentru un fost premier al României]

Former Romanian Prime Minister, Adrian Năstase, has just been sentenced to two years of imprisonment, by a definitive decision of the highest court in Romania (ÎCCJ).

He was found guilty for illegally obtaining electoral campaign funds, although he has been repeatedly claiming his innocence.

Not since the late 1940s and 1950s, when under USSR’s boots, or since Nicolae Ceauşescus execution in 1989, has Romania witnessed such a controversial decision.

Neither Năstase, nor his political allies would accept the decision, unless the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ever confirms it.

By that time, he will have most probably spend his two years in prison, while most of the world will be sure of his guilt.

The length of the trial (8 years!) serves as enough ‘evidence’ for most people, either his political enemies, voters or onlookers from the EU.  

Just like an imprisoned former PM in Ukraine has done nothing to improve the country’s image in Europe’s eyes, Năstases chains won’t bring dividends for Romania on the long term.

Symbolically, the sentence has huge significance. Chaining a demigod like Năstase appeared to be in the early 2000s is a huge blow to the perceived omnipotence of political leaders.

It’s long since the defendand’s arrogance has deprived him of any presumption of innocence, and not few would be those opening champagne bottles tonight.

One of these would surely be Năstase’s archenemy of 2004, Traian Băsescu – another character who lives under the spell of a presumption of guilt.

Irrespective of how many praises of the independent Romanian judiciary’ we read in foreign media for the next days,  it would be foolish to believe Băsescu has nothing to do with the decision.

In less than a year, Băsescu could be suspended by a hostile parliament, and later even put on trial just like Năstase.

Unless he manages to pulverize the former opposition – USL (= PSD + PNL + PC), already in power, before the next election (another Romanian bizarrery!).

Let us not forget that the now condemned Năstase was the PhD coordinating professor of Romania’s current Prime Minister, Victor Ponta.

Ponta had been accused of plagiarism two days before Năstase was sentenced. The courts decison comes two days before Năstases 62nd birthday.

Rather than destiny’s irony, it’s a masterstoke of Băsescu.

Will Băsescu be the one who laughs last, thus laugh better?! Too bad that there’s nothing to laugh at for most Romanians...

The ruling class is as unprepared for the cataclysmic times ahead of the world as those in power in the late 1930s.

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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

[EN] No comment / [RO] Fără comentarii (32) – Consumerist oddity / Ciudăţenie consumistă

[EN] Some would say that this could only happen when shopping  in America… [RO] Unii ar zice că aceasta nu s-ar putea întâmpla decât la cumpărături în America...

[EN] I’d say we’ve got absolutely no guarantee that this is not happening everywhere in our consumerist world. [RO] Eu aş zice că nu avem absolut nicio garanţie că aceasta nu se întâmplă peste tot în lumea noastră consumistă.

[EN] At least these Californian ‘packagers’ are honest, aren’t they? Are others hypocrites?! [RO] Cel puţin aceşti ambalatori’ californieni sunt oneşti, nu-i aşa? Sunt alţii ipocriţi?!

[EN] They admit that their jelly gums can be “a product of USA or Mexico or Brazil or Czech Republic or China or Indonesia.[RO] Ei admit că bomboanele lor gumate pot fi “un produs din SUA sau Mexic sau Brazilia sau Republica Cehă sau Indonezia”.

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Saturday, 16 June 2012

Clean like a hospital?! [Curat ca un spital?!]

Clean like a hospital?! It’s not the case in the UK, where hospitals can be very dirty, either in Manchester or Essex, in England or Scotland alike

From what I heard, British hospitals can be at least as dirty as in Romania. Maybe not like the dirtiest, however, they may be like the regularly dirty Romanian ones.

Thus, the legend for these images should be “clean like a bus station” – in this particular example: St Andrew Square Bus Station, Edinburgh.

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Thursday, 14 June 2012

Poduri pe cer [Bridges on the sky]

Dintre multele curiozităţi cu care am rămas în memorie de prin călătoriile mele, pasarele între clădiri ocupă un loc aparte.

Mai întâi, pentru că în România sunt atât de neobişnuite. Cred că cele din Bucureşti se pot număra pe degetele unei mâini.

Apoi, pentru că iarăşi îmi oferă prilejul de a pune pe MunteanUK o mostră din abundenţa lexicală a limbii engleze.

Li se zice skyways, catwalks, sky bridges, skywalks (mai ales în SUA), fiind considerate tipuri particulare ale termenului generic pedways.

În română nu am găsit alt echivalent decât pasarele. Poate o fi pleonasm să zici pasarele suspendate. Sau nu?!

Imaginile acestor căi pietonale aeriene au fost surprinse de cititoarea mea C.L. în Covent Garden, Londra (1) şi de mine, în Glasgow (2), respectiv Edinburgh.

Mai răspândite sunt în Canada şi statele cu ierni aspre din nordul SUA (în Iowa am văzut o grămadă), din două motive principale.

Pentru a asigura fluiditatea traficului în oraşe care nu prea au trotuare şi pentru a-i feri pe pietoni de gerurile năpraznice şi împotmolirea în nămeţi.

Ar fi practice şi în prea aglomerata capitală a României? Ar fi şi estetice? Se poate zice că dau bine între zgârie nori, dar nu ştiu dacă şi între clădirile fostului Mic Paris

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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Leacuri pentru mahmureala de după alegeri [Cures for the post elections hangover]

Gata alte alegeri locale în România! Câştigători întâmplători (mulţi dintre ei cam nepotriviţi, dar candidând la scrutinul potrivit) şi pierzători care şi-o merită cu vârf şi îndesat.

Şi unora, şi celorlalţi, dar mai ales alegătorilor le recomand câteva ziceri ale lui Napoleon Bonaparte, cel cu statut de erou’ doar pentru că alţii de teapa lui au scris istoria.

Şi au urmat definiţia idolului lor, care zicea că istoria este o versiune a evenimentelor din trecut asupra căreia oamenii au decis să cadă de acord”.

Nu că ar fi fost o neprihănită, căci se scăldase deja în sângele a zeci de mii de victime, dar corsicanul Bonaparte a fost cel care a siluit (democratica?!) Republică franceză.

Şi avea să o transforme în Imperiu, să treacă Europa prin foc şi sabie, să împrăştie cu tunul idealuri democratice, tot aşa cum alţii le propagă azi cu... bombe inteligente.

Să luăm aminte la ideile cinice ale acestui Bonaparte şi să nu ne mirăm că, imediat ce s-au cocoţat în fruntea unor instituţii aşa-zis democratice, şi alţii gândesc şi fac asemenea lui:

Oamenii sunt mai uşor guvernaţi prin viciile decât prin virtuţile lor.

În politică, niciodată să nu dai înapoi, să nu retractezi, să nu admiţi o greşeală.

Dacă vrei să ai succes în lume, promite totul, dar nu îndeplini nimic.

Cea mai sigură cale de a rămâne sărac este să fii un om cinstit.

Un lider este un comerciant de speranţă.

Sunt uneori o vulpe şi alteori un leu. Secretul guvernării constă în a şti când să fii una sau alta”.

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Friday, 8 June 2012

[EN] No comment / [RO] Fără comentarii (31) – Elections in Bucharest /Alegeri în Bucureşti

[EN] No trace of tough political battles.

[RO] Nici urmă de dure bătălii politice.

[EN] Just pathetic clashes of images and words on billboards.

[RO] Doar patetice încleştări de cuvinte şi imagini pe panouri.

[EN] No vibrant electoral rallies.

[RO] Nu reuniuni electorale vibrante.

[EN] Good or bad PR. But just PR.

[RO] PR bun sau prost. Însă doar PR.

[EN] An ominous slumber of democracy.

[RO] Un somn al democraţiei rău-prevestitor.

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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Brussels, the European capital of begging? [Bruxelles, capitala europeană a cerşetoriei?]

Far from being ugly, Brussels probably isn’t  one of the first five most beautiful European cities, nor the biggest, either in terms of area, demographics or economic strength.

Yet it is one of the most politically influent cities in the world, as capital of the EU and headquarters of NATO. Sadly, it may deserve another not-so-flattering title.

It’s a sort of secular Mecca, except for the fact that the 500 million Europeans don’t have a religious duty to visit the ‘European shrines’.

As European citizens and taxpayers, they have the right to visit the EU’s institutions, mainly the European Parliament.

On the other hand, for all those exerting political power anywhere in Europe (at national, and sometimes even local level), visiting Brussels is compulsory.

For those in charge of a government, an important municipality, a big region, governing with their backs turned on Brussels has become impossible.

Not less than 75 to 85% (+ here, here) of the laws affecting every European’s life are fully enforced (as regulations) or initiated (as directives) from Brussels.

The fact that the process of turning a proposal of the European Commission into a legislative act passes through Strasbourg one week per month is irrelevant.

Big decisions are taken in Brussels, and the world’s largest corporations, best consultancies, professional associations or NGOs are pretty aware of that. 

It appears that around 3,000 such EU Affairs interest groups spend 158 million euro per year only on communication.

But that’s the glamourous part of Brussels and a deceptive indicator of the (presumably prosperous) state of the Union.

Beyond this glorious image, there’s a less appealing one that hasn’t ever struck me in other big cities of the world.

What cannot evade the eyes of tourists (even the richest ones, travelling by limousine) in the European capital is the number of beggars and homeless people.

With the exception of Bucharest, I haven’t seen as many beggars as in Brussels anywhere else in the world.

I didn’t see that many neither in London, nor in Paris, Berlin etc, and I hardly noticed any in Washington, DC.

One wouldn’t see beggars (only protesters – but that’s a different matter) near the White House, (Washington, DC) or Buckingham Palace (London).

Nevertheless, they are omnipresent near the European Commission (pics 3, 6), the European Parliament (pic 9) and Justus Lipsius building of the EU Council (pic 1).

They are not the ingenious street buskers seen in other cities but relatively lousy players (= beggars) who wish to have their ‘performances’ rewarded by passersby.

As long as all important companies want to be seen in Brussels and try to have a say in the intricate EU legislative process, why wouldn’t the begging industry do the same?!

The saddest thing is that many of these destitute people – its arguable if begging is profitable or not – use Romanian to swear at photoholics like me :-(

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