Wednesday 23 May 2012

Cranes over Bucharest [Macarale peste Bucureşti]

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, Romania’s (not Hungarys!) capital – Bucharest, not Budapest! – hasn’t seen as many cranes (pics 1, 3, 5, 7) as those visible these days.

They are not as omnipresent as they were in the late 1980s, nevertheless, their presence can’t remain unnoticed, to locals and visitors alike.

As if there were no global economic crisis and Romania were immune to the turmoil in the Eurozone, cranes leave their mark of optimism on Bucharest’s skyline.

So it was during Nicolae Ceauşescu’s last days, so it was in Patriarh Noah’s time. People were building as if there would be a guaranteed tomorrow.

It’s true that, in Brussels, where cranes (pics 2, 4, 6, 8) stood a few years ago, a new building has risen to accommodate the newest EU institition.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) has got a nice home now, but whether the EU has a common foreign policy is still arguable.

The same applies for Bucharest. It may have more and more visible tower cranes, however, the city still lacks a coherent development strategy.

Were the cranes in Brussels and are those in Bucharest a true earnest of a prosperous future?! I bet Ceauşescu thought the same about his cranes in 1989…

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Unknown said...

Cu ajutorul acestor giganti a fost construit Bucurestiul,acum avem si automacarale telescopice care se pot utiliza in functie de necesitati începand de la lucrari simple pana la cele care prezinta o complexitate ridicata de montaj turbine eoliene sau domeniul petrochimic,le puteti vedea pe .

MunteanUK said...

Dear Costy Ignat,

I should delete this comment, not because it's a kind of 'slightly refined' spam, but because it's in Romanian, whilst the article is in English.

Anyway, I am generally tolerant to spam messages that are related to the topic of a specific post.

Good luck with your crane hiring business!

Maybe one day you'll return to MunteanUK as a reader curious about what write, not about suitable posts where to post ads.